Welcome to the Sounds True Affiliate Partner Resource Center

Here, you’ll find details on our upcoming launches along with our most popular evergreen courses that you can promote to your community at any time.

If you’re brand new to promoting launches and courses with us, please explore the FAQs section of this page for details on how to get started, where to find your unique affiliate link, when commission will be paid, and more.

If you have any questions, please email Affiliate@SoundsTrue.com.

Current Launches

The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP)

with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

One of our most impactful, successful programs. MMTCP is for healing professionals, mental health practitioners, and spiritual mentors who want to provide deeper support to their clients. The general public can also apply. Enrollment opens just once every two years and space is limited, so there is a high level of urgency for your community to take action quickly. Since 2017, we have certified over 7,000 teachers in 70+ countries.

Launch Dates: February 20October 31, 2024
Course Price
: $6,700$8,700 depending on the pricing tier
Affiliate Commission: Up to $1,000

The Inner MBA® Program
with Star-Studded Faculty

A certification program and online community created by Sounds True, LinkedIn, and Wisdom 2.0 for mission-driven entrepreneurs, executives, coaches, and consultants. Participants will be mentored in mindful leadership, building exceptional teams, and making work a force for good by elite business leaders, Ivy League faculty, and the leading wisdom teachers of our time.

Launch Dates: March 12–September 18
Course Price: $2,995$4,495 depending on the pricing tier
Affiliate commission: Up to $1,000

Evergreen Courses

These on-demand products can be promoted to your community at any time. Choose from an extensive catalog of courses on a wide variety of topics including meditation and mindfulness, spirituality, relationships, health and healing, and more.

Please note that all course prices are subject to change based on sales we hold from time to time. The affiliate commission percentage will, however, remain the same.

Unstoppable Joy: How to Live Joyfully Even in Challenging Times

This profoundly life-transforming course will guide participants through the 8 pillars of joy shared in the New York Times bestselling book The Book of Joy, coauthored by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams.

The 8 pillars of joy are eight qualities of the heart and mind that we can cultivate daily to begin experiencing more joy each and every day, even during times of adversity.

Promotional Assets: Free video series, sales page
Course Price
$297 (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

30-Day Wake Up Challenge
By Adyashanti

Over the course of 30 days, Adyashanti will guide students through three dimensions of awakening. First, participants will discover the always-available presence of awakened awareness. Then, they will learn how to drop into the compassionate space of the Spiritual Heart. From there, we delve into the infinite potential of the ground of Being. Finally, Adyashanti will show participants how awakening to these states of awareness can enrich their everyday life.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$147 (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Whatever Arises, Love That
by Matt Khan

In Whatever Arises, Love That, Matt Khan reveals that no matter life’s challenges, love is always the answer.  Students will experience Matt’s teachings on the basics of a loving universe, the true nature of ego, and the heights of divine transcendence.

This wonderfully transformative online course sheds light on the truth of our heart-centered nature, the importance of opening our hearts, and how powerful each of us were always meant to be.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$197 (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

The Power of Awareness with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

A 12-part course led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield, two of the world’s leading mindfulness meditation teachers—along with celebrated senior teachers Devin Berry and Konda Mason. Participants will learn how to transform their life with greater awareness, compassion, and well-being, and if they complete the program, they will receive a Certificate of Completion from the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center and the Awareness Training Institute.

Promotional Assets: Free video series, sales page
Course Price
$297 or payment plan
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Nonviolent Communication with Marshall Rosenberg, PhD

This course is among our top-selling offerings and is led by the celebrated psychologist and creator of the groundbreaking approach called “NVC.” Participants enjoy year-round access, gaining a comprehensive toolkit for resolving conflicts and creating harmony and mutual understanding—even in what seem like impossible situations. Drawing on Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s extensive research and worldwide application of its principles, this program has empowered countless individuals to transform their communication approach.

Promotional Assets: Free audio, sales page
Course Price
$197 (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Embracing All of You with Gabor Maté, MD, and Richard C. Schwartz, PhD

A six-session online course with Dr. Gabor Maté and Dr. Richard C. Schwartz, two renowned names in therapeutic healing, self-awareness, and growth. Participants will learn how to transform difficult experiences and trauma, and radiate compassion for themselves and others, amplifying the healing process across time and space.

Promotional Assets: Sales page
Course Price
$297 or payment plan (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Untitled design

Body as Healer: Freedom from Chronic Pain with Peter A. Levine, PhD

An innovative, transformative course designed for therapists, health-care professionals, and anyone interested in unlocking the body’s innate capacity to heal. Developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD, developer of Somatic Experiencing® and widely considered the father of body-based trauma work, this program reveals how to reunify body and mind through conscious awareness. His methodology has a remarkable 90% success rate, helping to accelerate pain relief in four to six months.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$347 or payment plan (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Body and Mind Are One with Thich Nhat Hanh

In our hectic modern world, many of us are caught racing from one task to the next, completely numb to our body’s innate rhythms and wisdom. The late Thich Nhat Hanh—a Zen master in the Vietnamese tradition, world-renowned scholar, poet, and peace activist—created this course to help participants cease internal conflict, release tension and anxiety, and integrate the body and mind so they begin to work together as one.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$147 or payment plan (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%


Living from a Place of Surrender: The Untethered Soul in Action with Michael Singer

Temple of the Universe is Michael A. Singer’s secluded yoga and meditation center where he has met with students from all walks of life for the past 40 years. In his first online course, Michael guides students through eight never-before-seen video sessions filled with practical teachings on the path of spiritual surrender, in order to enjoy more freedom and harmony every day.

Promotional Assets: Free video series, sales page
Course Price
$297 or payment plan
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training with Elizabeth Stanley, PhD

Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT)® is a trauma-sensitive online course created to build resilience and thrive during stress. Pioneering researcher Dr. Elizabeth Stanley teaches students the neurobiology of trauma recovery and how to maximize both performance and emotional well-being even in high-stress environments and relationships.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$197 (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

The Empath’s Survival Guide with Judith Orloff, MD

Empaths and highly sensitive people have special challenges in our world—as well as much-needed gifts to offer. Dr. Judith Orloff created The Empath’s Survival Guide as a hands-on resource for learning the essential skills empaths need to become healthy and empowered in a world that is often coarse, heartless, and disdainful of being sensitive.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$97 or payment plan (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Insight Meditation with Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein

Insight meditation, also known as vipassana, is the traditional art of meditation as it was taught by the Buddha himself and has been passed from friend to friend for over 2,600 years for one simple reason: it works. Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein cofounded the Insight Meditation Society nearly 50 years ago, and they have used their decades of experience to create this comprehensive, 12-session at-home curriculum available to teach anyone, with any level of experience, how to start and continue a meditation practice.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$137 or payment plan (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%


The Science of Medical Intuition with Caroline Myss and Norm Shealy, MD, PhD

In the emerging field of energy medicine, ordinary people with no prior training are learning how to tap into the power of their own medical intuition to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health. America’s #1 medical intuitive and a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon teamed up to create this 10-session in-depth, on-demand curriculum with more than 18 hours of audio teaching, 3 hours of recorded live video presentations, and a wealth of written lessons to transform participants’ health, life, and future.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$297 or payment plan (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Meditation and Psychotherapy with Tara Brach, PhD

An experience-focused audio learning program for mental health professionals, their clients, and anyone interested in using the core practices and insights from Buddhist psychology to foster deep emotional healing.

Promotional Assets: Free video, sales page
Course Price
$247 or payment plan (Varies seasonally)
Affiliate Commission: 35%

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us! Our affiliate partner program is by application only. For more details on how to apply, please visit our affiliate program information page.

  1. Log in to our affiliate dashboard. (When your affiliate partner application was approved, we sent you a welcome email containing your login information. If you don’t remember your login, follow the instructions on this page to reset it.)
  2. Click “Promotions” in the left-hand column of the page.
  3. Click “Banners & Links.”
  4. In the search bar, type in the name of the course you want to promote and then hit “Search.”
  5. You will see all of the available promotional opportunities for that particular course when you scroll down.
  6. Most courses have at least one free opt-in opportunity in addition to the sales page.
  7. Copy your UNIQUE AFFILIATE URL by clicking the link icon under the opportunity you would like to promote (“Banner” is another word for “Affiliate Link”).
  8. You can also copy the QR code if you prefer.

Here’s a short video walk-through of the steps outlined above:

IMPORTANT: You must use your unique affiliate link EXACTLY as it is. If you make any modifications to the link, tracking will break and we will be unable to credit any course sales you refer back to you. We highly recommend testing your affiliate link before you use it in any promotions.

Follow the steps below in order to determine whether or not your link is working by checking clicks:

  1. Opt in or navigate to the sales page using your UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK.
  2. Wait 5–10 minutes for the click to register.
  3. Click “Reports” in the left-hand column of the page.
  4. Click “Clicks List.”
  5. Search by Campaign or look for a click occurring at the same time you tested.

This varies depending on the course. Please see the information shared above for each of our launches and evergreen courses for more details.

Here’s how to track your results:

  1. Log in to our affiliate dashboard.
  2. Click “Reports.”
  3. Click “Commissions.”
  4. “Quick Stats” is a great place to see your affiliate activity at a glance: Clicks, Sales, and Commissions.
  5. For more detailed data, click the “Commissions” option under the “Reports” tab in the left-hand column.
  6. In the “Type” column, you will be able to see how many Opt-ins vs. Sales you have generated. We do not offer commissions on opt-ins, which is why the Commission and Total Costs columns for opt-ins are $0.00. If a sale was refunded, you will not receive commission for that sale.

With the exception of in-depth learning courses like the Inner MBA® program and The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP), we are currently paying our affiliates 45–60 days from the end of the month in which the affiliate activity occurred.

So, for example, activity occurring in April will be paid between June 15–30.

The date you see outlined in red below is the date that we pull the information from our system, NOT the date you will be paid.

IMPORTANT: Our affiliate platform, Post Affiliate Pro (PAP), will send you a notice once a month that your affiliate commission has been “Paid.” However, the commission will not have actually been paid to you yet. This “Paid” status in PAP simply means our accounting department has been notified by PAP that you are due to be paid out. There is still further processing that takes place on our end before you will receive your payment. So, if you receive this notice, it’s simply an indication that your previous month’s commission is being processed.

For US-based individuals and organizations, affiliate commission will only be paid once $100 or more commission has been accrued.

For non-US-based individuals and organizations, affiliate commission will only be paid once $500 or more commission has been accrued. Payment will be made via wire transfer and will incur a $50 processing fee.

TAX INFORMATION REQUIRED BEFORE PAYMENT: Before we can pay your affiliate commission, we must have ONE of the following on file:

US-based businesses, individuals, or nonprofits: signed W-9

Non-US-based businesses or individuals: signed W-8BEN

Non-US-based nonprofits: signed W-8BEN-E

You would have been asked to provide this tax form when you first applied to our affiliate program. If you’re unsure if you provided it or want to update your name or address, please contact us at affiliate@soundstrue.com.

We are a “first cookie” affiliate program.

For example, if an individual first opts in for a piece of launch content from Affiliate A but then later purchases the course using a link belonging to Affiliate B, then Affiliate A—the affiliate who initially referred the person—will receive the affiliate commission.

For this reason, it’s best to promote for one of our launches as early as possible to make sure anyone you refer will be attributed to you regardless of if they end up purchasing through another affiliate later on.

It depends on the product. For products listed on our Sounds True store (evergreen courses), your tracking links expire after one year. For offers such as an online course launch, these links are tracked for two months (60 days).

Yes—you will earn affiliate commission on all sales that occur within 60 days of the person you referred clicking on your affiliate link. These additional sales will show up as “Sounds True Homepage” on your affiliate invoice.

The exception is if the person you refer signs up for a Sounds True in-person event—we do not pay affiliate commission on in-person event ticket sales.

Have Questions?
We Are Here to Help!

Thank you for the important work you do in the world. We deeply appreciate the opportunity to partner with you to help uplift humanity.

If you need any assistance, please contact us at affiliate@soundstrue.com.
